2000 Mission Trip to North Carolina

We met,
Not knowing each other at all
Yet we would live together
And eat, sleep and work together
Who knew how things would work out?
It could have been a disaster, but it wasn't.
It turned into something wonderful
We put our hearts and souls
Into everything that we did
Trying to make a difference.
And make a difference we did.
Digging for cinder blocks
"Who cares about man power,
It's all girl power!"
Weeding in a cemetery
"Let's go finish off the Dickens!"
Moving wood,
Moving cars
And having fun
"How YOU doin'?"
Everything we did
Made a difference in someone's life.
We helped a community
And in return grew as a community
We'll never forget
The work that we did.
We'll never forget,
Those who we worked with either.
The mission trip may have ended
But its memory never will.